Design a Delicious “Contact Me” Button in Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this (delicious?!) “Contact Me” button in Photoshop. This is really simple tutorial, great for beginner to learn a few tricks. Have a try!

contact button2 500x312 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 1

Create a document sized 200px * 20opx with white background and 72 dpi (web graphic) – please note that this is the actual size of the button we will be making.
Here I will show you a little trick: hit Ctrl + R to make the rule visible on the top and left edge, click on the ruler and drag a guide to the edges of our canvas, as shown below:
1 drag 500x251 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Hit Ctrl + Alt + C and bring up the Resize Canvas window, then apply the following settings:
2 resize Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You will have the following effect (I set the background colour to grey for demonstration purpose):
1 effect4 499x316 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You can see by doing so, we have the perfect guides setup for a 200px * 200px button, without the need to add and remove guides afterwards:

Step 2

Now let’s perpare a simple background to work on. I perferred  a nice light grey gradient fill. So grab a the Gradient Tool and fill the background layer as shown below:
2 fill 500x314 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Create a new layer called “backlight” and grab a big and a small soft round brush, do two single clicks to the position as shown below: (top and centre)
2 brush 499x305 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Resize and position this layer as shown below:
2 resize1 500x284 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Now we have a nice background to work on our button :)

Step 3

Now grab the Rounded Rectangular Tool from the toolbox (press the U key) and apply a 10px feather to it, draw the following according to the guides:
3 draw 500x317 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Name this layer as “button bg”, and apply the following blending effect to this layer:
Drop shadow
3 drop sha 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Gradient Overlay
3 grad 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
3 stroke 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Here is the effect so far:
3 effect1 500x306 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 4

Now let’s add some highlights and shadows to the button background. Create a new layer under the button bg layer, use the rectangular marquee tool to create a shape like this:
4 draw rect 500x328 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Name this layer as “shadow” and apply the following Gaussian Blur settings to it. Make sure you deselect the layer first:
4 gau blur Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Resize it from the top (Ctrl + T) and reduce the opacity to around 30%, you will have the following effect:
4 resize Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Create a new layer called “Highlight” on top of the button bg layer, set its blending mode to “Overlay”, grab a white soft brush, do a single click as shown below:
4 highlight 500x319 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Duplicate this layer once and change the blending mode of the duplicated layer to “Normal”, resize it to a very thin level, position it just above the top edge of the button bg layer, as shown below:
4 resize top 500x323 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You will have the following effect so far:
4 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 5

Now let’s draw a simple envelope onto this button. Create a new layer on top of all previous layer, grab the Rectanglar tool and draw a rectangule as shown below:
5 draw Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Call this layer “envelope” and apply the following layer blending options to it:
Drop Shadow
5 drop sa 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Outer Glow
5 outer glow 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
5 stroke 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
5 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 6

Now let’s add a few more stuff onto the envelope to make it look more realistic. Create a new layer called “envelope top” and grab the Polygon Tool from the toolbox:
6 poly Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Apply the following settings: (3 sides)
6 side 500x36 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
and draw a triangle as shown below, use the Free Transform tool to fit it onto the envelope:
6 draw 500x449 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
apply the following layer blending option to it:
Drop shadow
6 drop sha 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Inner Shadow
6 inner sha 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Gradient overlay
6 grad over 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
6 stroke 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
6 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Duplicate this layer once and rename the new duplicated layer to “envelope bottom”, flip it vertically by Ctrl + T and right-click:
6 flip 500x502 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Retain all the layer blending option except the stroke option, position this layer as shown below:
6 effect 11 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Create a layer in between the top and bottom envelope layers, grab a soft round black brush and do a single click in the centre:
6 shadow Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
here is the effect so far:
6 effect 2 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 7

Now we’re almost done. Finally we can type some texts onto the button – “Contact Me” with font we downloaded, as shown below:
7 type Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You can here I used a dark red color – the reason I did it is that I’d like to use a bit embossing/sink-in effect here. The trick is to use a slightly darker colour for the font than the background color, so that when we apply the blending effect later on, we will achieve better looking result.
So let’s add the following layer blending options to it:
Inner Shadow
7 inner 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Gradient overlay
7 grad 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
7 stroke1 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Also here is a trick – when adding stroke effect to the text, make sure to select a color slightly lighter then the background colour, for the embossing effect.
7 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Here is the final effect I have: (click to enlarge)
contact button1 500x312 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hopefully you learnt something new and find it useful! Till next time, have a great day!

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