Membuat Tulisan 3D dengan Photoshop

Nah sekarang  akan berbagi tutorial tentang Cara Membuat Tulisan 3D dengan Photoshop, contoh yang akan kita praktekkan disini seperti gambar dibawah.
Membuat Tulisan 3D Dengan Photoshop  

Download Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable

Download Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable [ Gratis ] - Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable Icon Png Setelah membuat postingan tentangDownload Adobe Photoshop CS3 Portable [ Gratis ] dengan kategori dan software yang sama, sekarang saya akan membagikan 1 file yang saya cari-cari dan akhir-nya saya dapatkan di situsPortableAPPZ . Untuk sobat yang belum tau minimal system requirement aplikasi Adobe Photoshop CS6 Portable ini berikut detail-nya : 

Download Free Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Portable)

Bagi anda yang suka ngedit foto tapi gak punya uang yang cukup untuk membeli Adobe Photoshop, gue ada nih solusi buat anda. Anda bisa download Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Portable) gratis!
Tapi tunggu dulu, maksudnya portable itu bagaimana ya? Maksudnya itu, Photoshop nya bisa digunakan melalui flashdisk. Jadi kalau anda suka pergi-pergi tapi malas membawa laptop yang berat, dengan Adobe Photoshop Portable ini anda hanya perlu membawa flashdisk aja. Tinggal colok flashdisknya ke komputer, terus buka Photoshop CS5 nya.

Menggabungkan 2 objek yang berbeda

Dalam hal manipulasi photo, Menggabungkan 2 objek yang berbeda yang berbeda merupakan kebutuhan yang tidak bisa dihindarkan, Yang jadi masalah adalah cara menggabungkan objek tersebut, supaya terlihat menyatu. Sebenarnya trik mudahnya Menggabungkan 2 objek yang berbeda dengan photoshop kita harus menguasai teknik maskingblur dan brun untuk menyamarkan objek yang berbeda.

Belajar Photoshop Kini Hadir Di Google Play

Belajar Photoshop Kini Hadir Di Google Play – Bagi anda yang menggunakan Smartphone Android kini hadir di Google Play, anda bisa mencarinya dengan Kata kunci AlienDroid ataupun Belajar Photoshop, dengan aplikasi ini sekarang anda bisa membuka dimanapun dan kapanpun langsung dari smartphone anda.

Tutorial Photoshop Pro for Android

Tutorial Photoshop Pro for Android – Kembali kami memberikan aplikasi android Tutorial Photoshop, bedanya aplikasi ini versi ofline. Jadi bagi anda yang tidak memiliki kuota internet masih tetap bisa membukanya. Aplikasi ini mendukung 2 bahasa Inggris dan indonesia. memiliki fitur pilihan Tutorial Dasar, Mahir, Tips n Trik, Video dan file yang diperlukan untuk latihan tutorial.

Evaluasi Kata Kunci

Setelah anda memiliki daftar kata kunci yang terkait dengan niche dan kebiasaan pencarian audien, langkah selanjutnya adalah menemukan kata kunci mana saja yang paling bernilai dari daftar tersebut.
Tidak ada cara yang benar-benar pasti untuk mengevaluasi nilai suatu kata kunci, meski demikian metode/kriteria yang dipaparkan berikut ini bisa digunakan untuk niche atau audien manapun, sekaligus memberi ruang untuk kustomisasi seandainya ada faktor-faktor pembatas lain yang tidak disebutkan di sini.
Ada 3 faktor utama yang bisa digunakan untuk menilai kata kunci:

Membuat Backlink Dengan Google URL Shortener

Ada beberapa orang yang menggunakan layanan Google URL Shortener(memendekan URL) saat membuat backlink. Entah apa maksud dan tujuannya, apakah tidak ingin di ketahui orang lain? atau salah mencerna informasi? atau sedang melakukan hal yang di sebut "stupid SEO"?
Apa Itu Google URL Shortener?
Fungsi Google Shortener adalah merubah URL dengan cara memendekan URL dari yang tadi misalnya http://stupidseo.commenjadi
Fungsi Google Shortener lainnya adalah untuk menjaga privacy sebuah web page agar tidak terlisting dan biasanya di peruntukan untuk halaman yang khsusus untuk para member saja seperti halaman berisi link download, data dan lain sebagainya.

Tips Membuat Artikel Yang Baik Dan Berkualitas

Kali ini saya akan memberikan tips Bagaimana cara membuat artikel yang baik dan berualitas seo? Jawabannya tentu saja masih berkaitan tentang postingan sebelumnya yaitu dengan cara memasukan kata kunci yang sudah kita pilih sebelumnya. Jika belum mengetahu tentang cara memilih kata kunci bisa baca artikel sebelumnya CARA MEMILIH KATA KUNCI

Setelah memdapatkan banyak kata kunci dan akan di buatkan artikel kita harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor penting berikut:

Tutorial Illustrator Cara Membuat Geometris, WPAP Vector Portrait

sebuah tutorial vektor dari legenda sejati, Wedha Abdul Rasyid.
Wedha, berasal dari Indonesia, menciptakan karya seni di media tradisional di awal 1990-an, yang kemudian pada awal tahun 2000, menyeberang ke dunia digital. Vector menjadi pilihan alami untuk seperti warna-warni, gaya geometris.
Sejak itu, ia telah mendapatkan popularitas besar di Indonesia, dengan beberapa komunitas yang didedikasikan untuk penciptaan dan menampilkan potret dalam gaya WPAP, dengan anggota dalam ribuan mereka! Dengan kebangkitan tren geometris, itu adil untuk mengatakan bahwa WPAP mungkin berani keluar dari Indonesia dan masuk ke lebih banyak aspek desain.

Create a Burning, Vector Match Using Gradient Meshes

In this tutorial you will learn how to create realistic vector fire, using the Gradient Mesh Tool and Screen Blending mode. Believe me, there's nothing overly complicated. Let's strike a match!
Republished Tutorial
Every few weeks, we revisit some of our reader's favorite posts from throughout the history of the site. This tutorial was first published in April of 2011.

Design a Delicious, Shining Circle Play (Web) Button in Photoshop

shining orb flatten 500x291 Design a Delicious, Shining Circle Play (Web) Button in PhotoshopIn this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this interesting Shining Orb Circle Play (Web) Button in Photoshop . This is an beginner level tutorial and steps are quite easy to follow, have a try Along the way, we will practice some basic drawing skills and adding light effect onto the elements, as well as the use of Pen Tool, layer blending mode and selection techniques.

Create a Glossy Volt Icon in Photoshop

First of all I would like to thank Negreu Andreas for collaborating with me in creating this tutorial. This is an inspiration from the Bolt movie poster. In this tutorial you will create a glossy thunder logo using a few layers and some white shapes that will make the thunder more interesting and glossy.
Quick Nav:

Create a Custom Mac OSX Style Ring Binder Address Book Icon

Today I'll show you how to create an Address Book replacement icon for Mac OSX. When you are a beginner, it's better to start with designing replacement icons to get some practice. Let's get started with personalizing the icons in our workspaces.

7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

In this post, I will introduce 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups I have came aross on the net from a variety of sources, plus 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages.
For the 7 mockup tutorials I have selected, although they all aim towards the same objective, the techniques used during the process can be seen differently, mainly because the difference in genre (e.g. corporate design v.s watercolour design). Interesting to see the methods the authors use to achive the end result :)
As for the convertion tutorial I included here, I personally think it’s the best and most detailed one on the net! I’m sure you will find it useful, too. Enjoy :)
Here goes the 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups, hope you enjoy them and if you like them and find them useful as I did, give the authors/writers some applause!

Awesome Tutorial Portfolio Design

Hi dudes, our new awesome tutorial! I think this is most detailed and long web design tutorial on the web  with 175 screenshots!!! This tutorial include lots of  trendy photoshop effects.
– By PSD Themes
psdtheme 2 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

Create a Clean and Colorful Web Layout in Photoshop

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create a clean corporate layout in Photoshop. The original layout was created by kuntiz from ThemeForest and I want to thank him for allowing me to write this tutorial.
– By Tutorial9

tutorial9 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

Corporate WordPress Style Layout

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a corporate wordpress styled layout. If you have any questions about this tutorial be sure to ask in the comments. Also, remember with all the tutorials, the psd is available for download.
– By PSDVibe
psdvibe 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

Create a Vibrant Modern Blog Design in Photoshop

Taking a closer look into the world of web design this tutorial will cover the process of designing a vibrant and colourful modern blog layout in Adobe Photoshop. Beginning with a blank canvas we’ll go through the process of creating the entire structure and effects from scratch.
– By Blog.Spoongraphics

spoon 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

Creating a Dark Layout Mockup in Photoshop

Welcome to tutorial 209, in this tutorial we’ll be creating a dark layout with some nice unique styling. We’ll also be making our very own custom patterns to go with the layout.
– By HV Designs

hv design 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

Create a Nice Web Portfolio Design with a Watercolored Background in Photoshop

In this step by step tutorial I explain how to realize a nice Web Portfolio Design with a Watercolored Background using two brush sets, a icon pack and some basic techniques.
– By
pvmgarage 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages

Graphic Design Studio Web Layout

In this tutorial i will show you how easy is to create a layout with transparent buttons. This type of layout was used lately a lot because it is the latest trend in website design.
– By Grafpedia
grafpedia 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages
And here is the one amazingly detailed tutorial about how to convert your design into working page. I personally found it very useful, especially for beginners who have limited knowledge about HTML/CSS.

Converting a Photoshop Mockup

In this first-ever video podcast, I start the conversion process of an Adobe Photoshop mockup of a website, into a real live CSS based website.
– By Chris Coyier from
csstricks 1 500x221 7 Highly Practical Photoshop Site Mockups + 1 Amazingly Detailed Tutorial About Converting Them into Working Web Pages
That’s it for this post! I hope you find those links/articles useful, and good luck with the mockups :)
Till next time, have a great day!

Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style “Play” Button in Photoshop

We offer self paced 70-401 guide and 74-404 tutorial to help beginners get started with adobe Photoshop elements. Explore these 70-576 basic tutorials before taking on more advanced projects.
In this tutorial, I will show you the process I took to create this rather cute, unique Style “Play” Button in Photoshop. It’s a simple (aimed for PS beginners) but fun tutorial, have a try :)
The primary goal for this tut is to show you the functionalities behind the draw tools, selection tool and the use of layer blending options. I also added my own design ideas to make this play button a bit unique. Hope you enjoy it!
glossy play button final2 500x300 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
OK let’s get started!

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1000 x 600px. Fill the background with the following gradient:
1 fill 499x298 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Duplicate the background layer once, resize and rotate the duplicated layer, use a big soft brush to erase the left and right side, and position it as shown below:
1 resize and rotate 500x296 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
We now have a reasonably good-looking background to work on. Personally I feel sometimes a nice background help creating the mood we need to continue working on the graphic.

Step 2

Create a new layer named “circle”, grab the “Ellipse Tool” from the toolbox:
2 ellipse tool Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Make sure your setting is set to below: (white fill color)
2 e setting 500x24 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
hold down the “Shift” key and draw a white circle on the layer:

2 draw 500x275 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop

Apply the following layer blending options to this circle layer:
Drop  Shadow
2 drop sha 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Inner Shadow
2 inner sha 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Bevel and Emboss
2 bevel 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Color Overlay
2 col over 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Gradient Overlay
2 gra over 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
and here is the effect so far:
2 effect 500x286 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
The colour I chose for this play is orange, however you can try out different colour such as blue, green, purple – the choice is yours.

Step 3

Now we can add a glossy overlay to the circle background to make it more attractive :) To do this, create a new layer on top of the “circle” layer, name it as “glossy overlay”. Load the selection of the “circle” layer by Ctrl + left click the thumbnail on the layer pallette, as shown below:
3 load selection Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Click on the “Glossy Overlay” layer, then select the “Elliptical Marquee Tool” and choose the “subtract from selection” option:
3 subtract 500x133 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Then draw a selection around 50% the height of the original “circle” layer on the “Glossy Overlay” layer, you will have the following effect:
3 after sub 499x327 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Fill the selection with white colour, then change the blending mode to “overlay”, opacity around 30%.
Press Ctrl + T and use the Free Transform Tool to rotate the selection clockwise a bit, you will have the following effect:
3 effect 2 500x311 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop

Step 4

Create  a new layer on top of  the glossy overlay layer, grab the “polygon tool” from the toolbox, apply the following option to it: (Make sure to choose “3” for sides, because we’re drawing a triangle!)
4 poly sides 3 500x46 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
After drawing, rotate it a bit clockwise so it matches the angle of the background:
4 after draw 499x282 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Apply the following layer blending options to it:
Drop shadow
4 drop shadow 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Inner Glow
4 inner sha 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Bevel and Emboss
4 bevel 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
(Ingore the gradient overlay setting, I decided not to include it in the end)
Add a layer mask to this triangle layer, use a smalll soft brush, erase the joint points a bit:
4 effect 500x387 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
You will have the following effect:
To add a bit depth to the play button, we can duplicate the triangle layer once, disable all layer effect on the duplicated layer, reduce its height and width a bit, you will have following effect:
4 effect 2 500x355 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop

Step 5

To add a bit creativity to the button, I decided to add some smaller circle around it, with a different colour. To do this, I simple duplicated the original circle layer once  and put the duplicated layer below it. On the duplicated layer, cancel all layer blending effects except the Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay options:
Bevel and Emboss
5 bevel 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Gradient Overlay
5 gradient 500x350 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Use the free tranform tool to resize it to a smaller size, then duplicate it for another three times, scatter those layers around the circle as shown below
5 effect 500x356 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Then we can add shadow onto the image to make it deeper – To do this simply create a new layer on top of the “background copy” layer, and grab a big black brush around the same size as the circle layer, do a single click on it, then resize the layer as shown below:
5 resize shadow 500x297 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
Reduce its opacity a bit and position it behind the circle, and here is the final effect: (click to enlarge)
glossy play button final2 500x300 Draw a Rather Cute, Unique Style Play Button in Photoshop
That’s for this tutorial! Drop me a comment if you have any trouble with it, I will try my best to help you out :)
Have a great day!

Design a Delicious “Contact Me” Button in Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this (delicious?!) “Contact Me” button in Photoshop. This is really simple tutorial, great for beginner to learn a few tricks. Have a try!

contact button2 500x312 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 1

Create a document sized 200px * 20opx with white background and 72 dpi (web graphic) – please note that this is the actual size of the button we will be making.
Here I will show you a little trick: hit Ctrl + R to make the rule visible on the top and left edge, click on the ruler and drag a guide to the edges of our canvas, as shown below:
1 drag 500x251 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Hit Ctrl + Alt + C and bring up the Resize Canvas window, then apply the following settings:
2 resize Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You will have the following effect (I set the background colour to grey for demonstration purpose):
1 effect4 499x316 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You can see by doing so, we have the perfect guides setup for a 200px * 200px button, without the need to add and remove guides afterwards:

Step 2

Now let’s perpare a simple background to work on. I perferred  a nice light grey gradient fill. So grab a the Gradient Tool and fill the background layer as shown below:
2 fill 500x314 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Create a new layer called “backlight” and grab a big and a small soft round brush, do two single clicks to the position as shown below: (top and centre)
2 brush 499x305 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Resize and position this layer as shown below:
2 resize1 500x284 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Now we have a nice background to work on our button :)

Step 3

Now grab the Rounded Rectangular Tool from the toolbox (press the U key) and apply a 10px feather to it, draw the following according to the guides:
3 draw 500x317 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Name this layer as “button bg”, and apply the following blending effect to this layer:
Drop shadow
3 drop sha 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Gradient Overlay
3 grad 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
3 stroke 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Here is the effect so far:
3 effect1 500x306 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 4

Now let’s add some highlights and shadows to the button background. Create a new layer under the button bg layer, use the rectangular marquee tool to create a shape like this:
4 draw rect 500x328 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Name this layer as “shadow” and apply the following Gaussian Blur settings to it. Make sure you deselect the layer first:
4 gau blur Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Resize it from the top (Ctrl + T) and reduce the opacity to around 30%, you will have the following effect:
4 resize Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Create a new layer called “Highlight” on top of the button bg layer, set its blending mode to “Overlay”, grab a white soft brush, do a single click as shown below:
4 highlight 500x319 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Duplicate this layer once and change the blending mode of the duplicated layer to “Normal”, resize it to a very thin level, position it just above the top edge of the button bg layer, as shown below:
4 resize top 500x323 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You will have the following effect so far:
4 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 5

Now let’s draw a simple envelope onto this button. Create a new layer on top of all previous layer, grab the Rectanglar tool and draw a rectangule as shown below:
5 draw Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Call this layer “envelope” and apply the following layer blending options to it:
Drop Shadow
5 drop sa 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Outer Glow
5 outer glow 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
5 stroke 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
5 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 6

Now let’s add a few more stuff onto the envelope to make it look more realistic. Create a new layer called “envelope top” and grab the Polygon Tool from the toolbox:
6 poly Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Apply the following settings: (3 sides)
6 side 500x36 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
and draw a triangle as shown below, use the Free Transform tool to fit it onto the envelope:
6 draw 500x449 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
apply the following layer blending option to it:
Drop shadow
6 drop sha 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Inner Shadow
6 inner sha 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Gradient overlay
6 grad over 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
6 stroke 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
and you will have the following effect:
6 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Duplicate this layer once and rename the new duplicated layer to “envelope bottom”, flip it vertically by Ctrl + T and right-click:
6 flip 500x502 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Retain all the layer blending option except the stroke option, position this layer as shown below:
6 effect 11 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Create a layer in between the top and bottom envelope layers, grab a soft round black brush and do a single click in the centre:
6 shadow Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
here is the effect so far:
6 effect 2 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop

Step 7

Now we’re almost done. Finally we can type some texts onto the button – “Contact Me” with font we downloaded, as shown below:
7 type Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
You can here I used a dark red color – the reason I did it is that I’d like to use a bit embossing/sink-in effect here. The trick is to use a slightly darker colour for the font than the background color, so that when we apply the blending effect later on, we will achieve better looking result.
So let’s add the following layer blending options to it:
Inner Shadow
7 inner 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Gradient overlay
7 grad 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
7 stroke1 500x350 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Also here is a trick – when adding stroke effect to the text, make sure to select a color slightly lighter then the background colour, for the embossing effect.
7 effect3 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
Here is the final effect I have: (click to enlarge)
contact button1 500x312 Design a Delicious Contact Me Button in Photoshop
That’s it for this tutorial! Hopefully you learnt something new and find it useful! Till next time, have a great day!

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